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Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement



The Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement was founded by Brahmarshi Pitamaha Dr. Subhash Patriji in the year 1990 with the key objective of spreading the basics of spiritual realities and spiritual science to one and all. The core message of this movement to everyone is that “We are not just physical entities experiencing random existence. Instead, we are `Eternal Energy-Consciousness Entities’ constantly choosing and creating our own respective on-going existential realities.”

“PSSM” is a non-religious, non-cult, non-profit spirituo-scientific organization/movement with an ever-growing expanse of genuine seekers.

The CORE MESSAGE to everyone is that “We are not just physical entities experiencing random existence. Instead, we are `Eternal Energy-Consciousness—Wisdom(ECW) Entities’ .. constantly choosing and creating our own respective on-going existential realities.”

We realize god-hood in us through four simple things :

  • Using Breath for Practicing Meditation 
  • Utilizing Pyramid Energy for Meditation 
  • Trying to understand all the Essential Teachings of the world’s Spiritual Masters 
  • Being a vegetarian and being compassionate to all our younger brothers i.e., members of the Animal Kingdom

Anapanasati Meditation is the name of the meditation practice adopted originally by Gautam Buddha and it is nothing but mere observation of one’s own breath ie., inhaling and exhaling. 

Most of our health issues are related to anxiety that builds up within us during our day-to-day life. Anxiety is nothing but an emotional state such as nervousness, tension, worry, or apprehension which a person perceives for various reasons. The research indicates that anxiety is closely associated with many disorders like chronic asthma, cognitive impairment and dementia, and many other chronic diseases such as rheumatology. Meditation is one of the most popular stress management strategies for good reason—it brings benefits like a calm mind and body, and it can build resilience toward stress over time.

For more information about PSSM, please visit

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