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Nada Yoga

What is Nada Yoga?

One of our great Saint composers Sadguru Tyagaraja has mentioned the above statement in one of his compositions.  One can attain the ultimate bliss by experiencing the NAda/reverberation.

According to Upanishads, it is a known fact that the entire universe exists on NAda.  Where there is NAda, there is sound.   So the whole existence is Sound. The “Omkara” is the basic sound. If we utter the “Omkara”, different aspects of the body are energized/activated. This Universal sound Omkara plays a vital role in awakening the “Kundalini”.

The word NAda means the sound that is pleasing to the ears and the word Yoga means “to unite”Pranav NAda is created by the amalgamation of Prana (breath) and Agni (fire).  There were many yogis and composers who attained salvation through NAda Yoga.  During meditation, with the help of NAda Yoga 72,000 NAdis will be cleansed.

NAda is classified as “Ahata NAda” and “ANAhata NAda” which is Bahirgata (External) NAda and Antargata (Internal to self) NAda.

The sound which we hear in the outer world is AhataNAda like the sound emanating in a waterfall or the sound of blowing wind etc. AnAhata NAda includes the NAda emanating from the MoolAdhAra chakra, naturally occurring sound within, audible to the yogis only.

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