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Patriji’s Message

Music and Meditation - Combining Energy and Consciousness

A grand programme is going to happen during the period November 25th to 27th, 2022. Please visit and enjoy the energies of the Pyramid Valley, Bengaluru, and of Music Meditation.

Music is the most important background element for meditation, and meditation is the most important pre-requirement for producing vibrant music. So, combining music and meditation.. that is the grandest vision given by PSSM to the whole world.

Here, ‘Music’ means Classical Music. Classical Music is basically meant for producing deep states of meditation. So, once you take to music meditation, you cannot ever imagine music-less meditation. And, once you are a meditator, you cannot imagine meditation-less music.

Music fulfills Meditation and Meditation fulfills Music, like a female fulfills a male and a male fulfills a female. Male and female are meant for each other. Similarly, Music and Meditation are made for each other. Purely male, purely female ... there is no point. A male should combine with the female; a female must combine with the male. So, pure music without meditation.. there is no point. And pure meditation without music.. again there is no point.

So, we combine the grand original, grand ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ energies in the PSSM, the female and the male energies, the ‘prakruti’ and the ‘purusha' energies, the music and meditation energies. Music is the ‘yin’ and Meditation is the ‘yang’.

Music/Nada is the highest and the finest state of “prakruti”. And purusha is fundamentally Consciousness. So, we combine prakruti and purusha—energy and consciousness. Musical sound is great energy. So, in that great energy expression, the consciousness expansion also becomes enhanced. So, Music Meditation is very, very important.

“The Pyramid Music Meditation Academy (PMMA)” has been started to highlight this concept of this Music plus Meditation, everywhere.

There are so many musicians all over the world, but they do not know anything about meditation. And there are so many meditators all over the world, who don’t know the value of the classical music. All the musicians must necessarily to know about meditation, and all meditators need necessarily to cultivate classical music.

A man should be a hybrid product of both music and meditation. So, that is the message given by “The Pyramid Music Meditation Academy”, which is going to have its second grand session in Pyramid Valley in Bengaluru, from November 25th to 27th, 2022.

Every year we propose to have such grand sessions in Pyramid Valley. This year, we have the second of these sessions—pure music, pure meditation, and pure pyramid energy. All are invited to Pyramid Valley on this grand occasion. Pyramid Music Meditation Fest 2022

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