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Music Legends

Indian Carnatic Classical Musicians

Saint Thyagaraja, South India (1767-1847)

Meaning: “On this earth, can there be Moksha for those who are not Jivanmuktas?”(A Jivanmukta is one who becomes a Jnani (enlightened being) who, by transcending worldly attachments while still living on earth, attains Moksha). “O Lord who appears before me (Saakshatkara Nee), to those with no genuine devotion (Bhakthi) or knowledge of music (Sangeetha Jnana), can there be salvation?” While OM-kAra (praNava) nAda (nAdamu) manifests (paraga) as seven (sapta) svara (svaramulai) by (valla) the fusion (sam-yOgamu) of vital force (prANa) and energy (anala) (literally fire), people do not understand (erugaru) the blissful state (manO-vidhamu) (literally mental frame) (vidhamerugaru) of Lord Siva – the great connoisseur (lOludau) of music played (vAdana) on vINA; O Lord praised (vinuta) by this tyAgarAja! in this World, is emancipation attainable for those who have not become living-liberated?

Meaning: Drinking the ever tasteful essence of raaga, why don’t you rejoice, O mind! It gives the fruit of ritual, mediation (union), sacrifice, and enjoyment all together! As known to Tyagaraja, the jeevan muktas are those who enjoy the melody that is the glorious form of SadAshiva, that is the sound of tuneful Omkara.

Meaning: The Trinity of Shankara, Naaraayana and Vidhi (Brahma) outshine the other Gods thanks to their SAdhana of NAda, divine Omkaara, a facet of you as Brahman. They could uphold the Vedas and transcend them. They pervade the Universe. With NAdOpAsana, they acquired immense occult powers. They have the form of Mantra, Yantra and Tantras. They have an extraordinary long span of life comprising of Manus many life-spans (Manvantaras). They delight in vocal and instrumental music. They are worshipped by TyAgarAja. They are free souls not bound by anybody’s commands.

Saint Sadasiva Brahmendra, South India (17th - early 18th Century)

Meaning: Everything is filled with God. All that is spoken, all that is not spoken, All that is written, all that is not written. All that can be learnt, all that cannot be learnt, All that can be sung and all that cannot be sung. All that can be taught, all that cannot be taught, All that can be enjoyed and all that cannot be enjoyed. In all places the meditation of the Hamsa scale, Is that only thing that leads you to salvation.

Meaning: Those who have the following qualities have no worries. They are perfect with tranquility, fortitude and compassion. They are in the company of saints. They conquer the influence of the Cupid at all times. They annihilate the pride of all sensory organs. They are supreme ascetics who keep their guru’s feet in their conscience. They are intoxicated with supreme nectarine bliss.

Purandaradasa South India (1484-1565)

Meaning: When I am thinking(meditating) only of you, Rangayya.. What can the lower mortals do to me??

Indian Hindustani Musicians

Pt. Ravi Shankar, India (1920-2012)

Western Musicians

“The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.”

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

“Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life”


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